Date (required)
Pet's Name (required)
Pet's Breed (required)
Sex (required)
Please describe the problem(s) your pet is having, including the timeline, any previous major me problems, and what you would like us to do: (required)
Primary Complaints (check all that apply): (required) Vomiting Diarrhea Blood in Stool Difficulty Urinating Blood in Urine Itching Hair Loss Groth/Lump Sneezing Coughing Painful Runny Eyes Runny Nose Debris in Ears Lethargy Trouble Walking Limping Anorexia Other
Has your pet had an increase or decrease in any of the following (please check those that apply): |
Drinking (required)
Appetite: (required)
Urination: (required)
Defecation: (required)
Weight (required)
Was your pet fed today? If Yes, please list the time of meal. If No, please type NA (not applicable): (required)
What is your pet's diet? (required)
Has your pet been seen by another veterinarian for treatment? (required)
May we call for records? (required)
If yes, name of clinic? (required)
What medications (if any) has your pet received in the last 24 hours? Please list name of medication, dose, and time given (NA if this section does not apply): (required)
What vaccinations, if needed, would you like us to give your pet today? (Dog) (required) Rabies Distemper Bordatella Heartworm Test Fecal NA
What vaccinations, if needed, would you like us to give your pet today? (Cat) (required) Rabies/FVRCP Combo Rabies Only Feline Leukemia FeLV/FIV Test NA
Are you interested in heartworm and flea/tick prevention? (required)
Please read and select ONE of the following: (required)
If you authorize treatment up to a certain amount, please indicate the amount here:
Do you authorize injectable sedation if your pet cannot be handled for any reason? (required) :
Payment is due for the services rendered at the time of pickup.
In admitting my pet(s) for diagnostics, treatment, or surgery, I authorize Hutto Veterinary Clinic, and their support staff, to administer such treatment and/or perform such diagnostic or surgical procedures as deemed necessary. |
Do you agree to the above statement? (required)